Well it seems the gloves once again came off for the Chicken Block Lotto, and a new champion has been crowned. So let’s put aside any hurt feelings, bruised egos or shattered dreams of sleeping under a chicken quilt and let’s put on our mittens…it is winter after all! The January block lotto is brought to us by the amazing talents of Lorna McMahon. You may be familiar with her blog, Sew Fresh Quilts, and […]
Tag: quilting
Annnnnnd We’re Back!!!
Well it has been a HOT minute since we had a block lotto, but I am happy to report we are back on track. These last few months have been a challenge for many of us. There’s a lot going on right now, but in the midst of all the chaos and change I am finding that I keep going back to my constants and the things that I can control. Sewing and quilting are […]
I can’t wait for May!
April showers, bring May flowers, but I live in Wisconsin, so I’ll be blunt. I need flowers and I want them now! Spring is such a wonderful season, and although our winter wasn’t too bad, I’m happy to have a little more sun at the end of my day, a lighter jacket and what I hope will soon be tulips and daffodils poking out of my flower beds. This hope and day dreams of the […]
March Mod-ness!
I love the many ways that creativity and inspiration develop. I rarely find it to be a singular, thunder-bolt moment, but more like an entire front of weather; a shift in atmosphere, a change in the sky, the temperature moves , thunder claps or just there is just a little rain, and then we find ourselves on the other side, somewhere new. Sometimes you just look at things a little differently and sometimes you’re Dorothy, […]