Mad Mod Quilt Guild is a positive community of modern quilt makers interested in sharing their work and knowledge of quilting techniques, patterns, and fabrics. Membership is annual, January through December. Our members pay dues, which include membership to Mad Mod as well as to the national Modern Quilt Guild.


The MMQG meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30PM and last until 8:00PM. We meet in the classroom at Blue Bar Quilts located at 6333 University Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin. We also offer a virtual option via ZOOM for most of our meetings and a link will be sent about a week prior the meeting.

Guild Officers

Linda Orr

Melissa Murray

Diane Galarneau

Web Master:
Bridget Vian

Event Chairs:
Casey Shilling
Marian Stimson

Event Planner:
Tracy Rucka