Project Linus is looking for storage space for their blankets, as well as a new Coordinator. They’re also looking for fleece Please contact Eileen at if you can help out!
Mad Mod helped Blue Bar Quilts purchase a big screen TV for the classroom for hybrid meetings. The system is working really well so that we can be in person and virtual simultaneously.
Our Program Coordinators have been busy planning lots of activities, both during and outside of meeting times. We have a really exciting 2023 ahead of us!
2023 Membership Drive starts now. Membership for the year is $45 if by check; 46.50 by PayPal. Please email for more information.
The December meeting will be all in person, at Blue Bar Quilts. We will have a hot chocolate bar, a snack potluck, and game night.
The January meeting will be hybrid.
Our speaker was Veruschka Zarate of Pride and Joy Quilting. Check her out at or on Instagram They spoke about their journey with learning Foundation Paper Piecing and becoming a pattern designer.