Happy Fall Everyone!
We had a full house for our September meeting. We had 53 active members and 10 guests. Wow, we are busting at the seams. Please consider signing up to help us discuss our MMQG space concerns. We have a wonderful growing community, we need your help in making sure that we have the space to accommodate everyone without getting into trouble with the fire marshal. Please sign up here to attend our meeting on Oct. 25th to brainstorm ideas.
Here is your recap of the September MMQG Meeting:
- Dayna handed out fabric for the MQG fabric challenge. Contact Dayna if you signed up but haven’t gotten your fabric yet.
- 2019 Officers: Dayna announced that she is looking for help with the role of President. Would you like to play a more active part in our MMQG Community? If so, contact any of the current officers and let us know. We would love to have you.
- Tara announced that she will be heading up an raffle ticket style auction for the month of December with proceeds benefiting the guild. Members are encouraged to bring kits, fabrics, finished items, etc. that they would like to donate. Tara will update us more on this at future meetings.
- Modern Stitching Affair tickets go on sale soon! The guest teachers are Violet Craft and Natalie Santini. You can get your tickets here.
- Our October Block Lotto is Halloween Theme. Find more info here.

Program: Trisha Franklin presented “Modern or Not”
Wow…. I think I left our September meeting with a college credit in art history as it applies to the modern quilting movement. Trish Frankland is a wealth of knowledge and we are so lucky to have her in our community.
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October meeting:
Our October speaker will be Cheryl Schenk. Cheryl will be teaching us some quilt math. If you have attended any of Cheryl’s classes or lectures then you know she has some of the best tips and tricks out there. Join us on October 11th for this fantastic speaker!!!