General guidelines for Quilt Block Lotto:
1. Make one quilt block (or more) following the pattern and color scheme outlined in this post. For every block you make and bring to that month’s meeting, you will get one entry in the lotto. If you are unable to attend the meeting or forget your block on meeting day, but really want to participate in the lotto, you can still enter your block but you must be willing to mail, drive, or otherwise get your block to the winner.
2. The winner gets ALL THE BLOCKS to make a quilted project from them (guild reserves the right to vote on splitting up the blocks between more than one winner if there are enough entries). If you win, the blocks become yours and you can use them in any way you choose, but must use (at least part of) each block you receive in your final creation.
3. We would like to see your finished project, either in person or pictures, within a year of winning the blocks. You may continue to participate in and win subsequent block lottos during that time. After the year is up, you cannot participate or win again until the original project is finished.
4. Have fun! Keep in mind that (most likely) someone else will be taking home your block to incorporate into a larger piece and things must fit together (literally…so keeping your block true to size is probably the most important thing), but you should also make it yours and enjoy the process!
Here we go!
September makes me think of late summer thunderstorms and bringing in the harvest. So it’s nice that I found some color palettes that use rain and corn to display the grays and yellows used in this month’s block lotto, a disappearing nine patch (D9P).
This D9P block itself is about as easy at it gets…take nine 4.5″ squares and sew them together in one of the formations outlined in this blog (or make up your own, as long as there are four colored squares and five white squares):
You get this:
Then you cut the block in half, and in half again, so that you get four quadrants, each measuring 6.25″ square:
If you win all the blocks, you’ll get to mix ’em up however you want!