The International Quilt Festival is right around the corner. Quintessential Quilts has organized a bus trip and you’re invited! Here are the details:
Friday March 27, 2015
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, IL (Chicago Area)
Fee: $60.00 includes: Admission to the Show & Vendors,
Transportation, Snacks & Other surprises
Sign up soon – seating is limited.
6:00a Pick up in Reedsburg
6:30a Pick up at the Petro Truck Stop in Portage
If you wish to board the bus in Reedsburg or the Petro Truck Stop call
the Reedsburg store (608) 524-8435
7:00a Pick up in Madison
If you wish to board the bus in Madison or Janesville (tentative) call the Madison store (608) 242-8555 to reserve your seat.
All day on your own at the show.
Return Trip
5:00p Leave Convention Center
7:00p Arrive back in Madison
7:30p Arrive back at Petro
8:00p Arrive back in Reedsburg
Times are approximate.
If you are traveling with a friend and want to be sure to be on the same bus please register at the same time so we can accommodate you.
For show details and class information go to the International Quilt Show website