Quilt Show @ Alicia Ashman Library 2015

The MMQG show @ Alicia Ashman Library is set for September and October. Quilts will be hung on Thursday, 9/3 from 6-9p.

A few items of note:

The library can accommodate only a handful of large (bed-sized) quilts, so most will need to be wall-hanging size. The general theme for this show will be flying geese, any way you want to interpret that. Feel free to bring a quilt that is not part of the theme, I realize it’s short notice if you don’t already have a piece with flying geese.

All quilts must have a hanging sleeve and rod that will work with the library display system (hooks similar to the ones shown below, but the cables are replaced by poles in the library system).

530109_10151355622193931_795585221_nHanging rods inserted into the sleeve will not be provided.  Ideas to make your hanging rod: a yard stick with binder rings (shown) or a wooden dowel with eyelet screws.  Anything that allows for the pole hooks to insert on the ends will work.  Leave comments if you have questions!



I need some photos of modern quilts for the flyer the library posts at different branch locations and online.  If you have a photo to submit, preferably flying geese but any will do, post it in the comments below (library choses which photos to use, not us!).

Still need volunteers for hanging, at least 6 people but preferably more.  You can bring a quilt to hang in the show even if you can’t stay to help hang them, be at the library promptly @ 6p to drop off your quilt or give it to someone who will be helping to hang quilts.