Meeting Date: January 13, 2022 Announcements: Members can still join. Send dues to Valerie Mau (check) or pay via PayPal. The changeover to the new treasurer Tara Curtis will happen next month. Bee Sign Up: To follow up on Val and Tracy’s presentation from December, Marian and Tracy are coordinating bee sign up to match up quilters who want to join a bee. A sewing bee is a small group of people who help each […]
Category: Meeting Minutes
June 2021 Meeting Minutes
Friday Night Sewing (Emily F): 6pm to Whenever, see Facebook for event info; link & password are always the same In-Person Hand-Sewing at Parks (Marian & Brianna): Once per Month Undercover Mat Sew-a-Long (Marian): Monday Nights: Week 1: Pockets Week 2: Quilting the Mat (Okay to join and do anything, or not join meetings but post pictures) Upcoming Meetings: July: Color Theory & Pattern Mixing with Dustin S. August: All Hands On Deck with Brianna […]
May 2021 Meeting Minutes
New Members: Jennifer, Sandy, Lorna Friday Night Sewing: Every week at 6pm on Zoom. Link is always the same June: Brain from GSAFE-2021 Auction & Tara sewing with rainbows –Send Tara photos or links to photos of working with rainbows July: Dustin: Color Theory & Pattern Mixing August: TBD September: Likely cancelled due to Expo Project Linus w/Eileen: Distribution increasing again MiniMod Blocks w/Marian: #minimodswap. Upcoming Zoom sewing session to make something with the blocks. If […]
April 2021 Meeting Recap
New Members! Welcome, Misty, Betty, Becky, and Jeri Join Facebook Group: Find Madison Modern Quilt Guild AND answer the questions. Weekly Sew Night every Friday Night 6pm until whenever. May Meeting: Sarah Ruiz: Inspiration & Design (@Saroy on Instagram) June: Brian from GSAFE: 2021 Quilt Auction Fundraiser and about GSAFE; Tara will show and discuss sewing with rainbows. Send Tara photos of rainbow quilts for a slideshow! July: Dustin Struckmeyer: Sewing with prints & colors […]
March 2021 Meeting Recap
Be Sewcial! Friday Night Sewing is still every week, hosted by Mad Mod Member Emily F. 6pm-whenever. Zoom link is on Facebook and never changes. All sewists are welcome. Berene Campbell spoke to the group all the way from Canada about the Mini-Mod Block Swap (Organized by Brianna & Marian). Please check Berene out at @happysewlucky on Instagram and her website More info from Brianna and Marian: E-mail with details will go out 13-Mar, […]
January 2021 Meeting Minutes
MadMod Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes: 14-JAN-2021 Mad Mod Members are automatically registered members of the National Modern Quilt Guild. To login, visit Your login is the email you used to join Mad Mod. If you haven’t set up your password yet, you can do that when you login the first time. Mad Mod Quilt Guild Membership Renewal: Dues: $46.50 by PayPal or $45 by Check. Email madmodquiltguild at gmail dot com for mailing address. […]
December 2020 Meeting Minutes
Visitors: Judy Brown, Ash Collins, Katherine Riphahn Find us on Facebook: Madison Modern Quilt Guild Friday night sewing with Emily Forscher. Link is on Facebook, always the sameDues: $ 46.50 via PayPal to (make sure to state your name and email address in the notes) $45 via check, mailed to Valerie Mau (email for her address). Upcoming Meetings: January: Annual Meeting-Review Proposed Bylaw changes–Values & Inclusion–Contingency Planning–Junior MembershipVoting will be via a Google form […]
November 2020 Meeting Minutes
Speaker: Cheryl Sleboda of Muppin, Inc presented Working Weekly. She is a funny, informative, and inspiring maker! Check her out! Her website is and her Instagram is Business: We discussed proper use of patterns and class information. Possible resource for Quilt Guild Copyright Policy Information: Just Wanna Quilt. We will not be recording lectures on Zoom because speaking engagements are part of makers’ livelihoods. Friday Night Sewing w/Emily F.: See Facebook for event […]
May 2020 Meeting Recap
Welcome Kathleen Martin back to the group! Weekly late night sewing parties are still going on over Zoom! Hand sewing Happy Hour has been set for June. Project Linus is still on hiatus, however NICU blankets are needed. Block Lotto: Our Tulip Winner was Val Mau! Hot and Cold is the block for next month. Lecture: Leah Evans presented “Quilting Land and Water.” Show and Tell
April 2020 Meeting Recap
March 2020 Meeting was cancelled due to the Wisconsin Stay at Home Order. April is our first meeting over Zoom. Facemask Posts in the Facebook Group: We removed several posts pertaining to facemasks and may do that again. Posts related to facemasks tend to take over groups. We also received numerous people wanting to join the group simply for the purpose of making masks. We would like to see the Facebook group remain our way […]