There were six members of Mad Mod who took most of a Sunday to gather and sew two quilts to donate to the Orlando MQG’s drive for #Pulse. The tops are pieced and ready for basting and quilting. Lori has volunteered to quilt them but they need to be basted; Linda is doing one but would prefer to not do both if possible! Contact her if you can take one….please?!?!? We had a great time […]
Category: charity
MQG Charity Quilt Challenge
At the April meeting there was an opportunity to express interest in working on a challenge quilt to be displayed at Quilt Con 2017 in Savannah next February. Check out the info on the MQG page and be sure to look at challenge quilts submitted to previous Quilt Cons! The details about the challenge are all there. If you are interested in being involved with this project, please notify Linda Orr and you will be […]
January charity finishes
Oh boy! Oh boy! After a long time of the quilts wending their way through soooo many hands….ta da!!! We have completions. Twelve quilts have been donated to Project Linus. As you have heard over and over ” smoke-free and pet-free sewing areas” are required when working on these quilts. As many of our members have pets, other donation sites are being sought. Stay tuned! Never fear, however, there are many superhero quilts ready to […]
Quilts for the homeless
There is a big need for quilts for the homeless; I have ‘tons’ of fabric that really doesn’t lend itself to our other quilts. Does anyone want to join me at my house to assemble the fabric into quilts? Or I can provide ‘kits’ for you to assemble one at home. I’m just sewing together pieces of fabric and finishing them by sewing on the backing and turning it inside out through an opening (with […]
Charity Block October
This is a test post for the blog for MMQG’s Charity Block!
Quilt Con Charity challenge
Mad Modders, At the September meeting I tested the waters for interest in our guild contributing a quilt to the Quilt Con challenge. There was little or no interest expressed at that time. If I am in error and there are people who would like to be part of a team working on this project, please notify me immediately. The entrance forms are due September 30! There are very specific guidelines as to colors, design, […]
Charity @ Mad Mod
Greetings from Mad Mod Charity! I hope that you have had a great summer; it will be fun to have us all together again. If you have a little free time, please consider helping with one of these projects: Quilts of Valor:We still are in need of blocks for our Valor quilt.15″, divided on the diagonal….half white, half blue and red stripes.Wonky stars would also be welcome.I’d like to get this one finished up soon. […]
Charity @ MadMod
Last call for many of our charity projects! That includes:Bright wonky stars on white background, 8″ or 15″Stripes of solid colors and white 7.5″ X 31″Bright circles inset or appliquéd on the given black and white checked fabricPieced house on blue background 15″Any kind of block with the “ugly fabric” plus black, 15″(you can give me the scraps, if you like)*Block divided diagonally, 1/2 white, 1/2 striped red and blue, 15″ I’d like to get […]
Charity blocks
Charity Quilt Blocks…..indeed , Mad Mod, it’s the end of the road for many of our quilt blocks….please turn these in at the February meeting: 1. bright wonky stars on white, 8″ or 15″2. pieced house on blue background, 15″3. bright circle inset/appliqued on the given black and white checked block4. ugly fabric plus black improv 15″5. made stripes, solid plus white 7.5″ by 31″ Due at this meeting or March:on the diagonal 1/2 white, […]
Charity News
An assortment of small (40″-60″-ish) Charity quilt tops are ready for quilting; are there any longarmers who would be willing to quilt one?Is there anyone with one of those super-duper embroidery machines who would be willing to help design and then make quilt labels for our charity quilts? January and February are the dates for completing these blocks:1) pieced house with blue background, 15″2) bright wonky star on white background, 15″ or 8″3) Quilts of […]