It’s official…. spring is here. We hope that you have spent some time soaking up the sunshine. Let’s face it, the bugs are on their way and we will soon be complaining about the humidity. So, enjoy these lovely weeks while they last.
Here is a recap of what you may have missed, or need help remembering, from our March meeting.
*Tracy announced that she will be setting up 6 more sew dates for the second half of the year.
*Please remember to sign up through Sign up Genius for the upcoming meetings. The link for our April 11th meeting can be found here.
Natalie Santini from Sew HungryHippie will be joining us. It is bound to be a night full of color and laughter.

*We are postponing the Block Lotto for April. If you already made your April blocks, save them for May.

For March, we were lucky to have 5 professional long arm quilters join us for a Quilters Panel.

*Ann Hill from 9 Lives Quilting, LLC
*Anniessa Salumaa from Finishing Place
*Heather Mattock from Blue Turtle Quilting
*Diana Dunham from Top Stitches by Diana
These wonderful business women had the following words of advice:

-it takes time, it’s not magic
-wrinkles happen
-the problem might NOT “quilt out”
-do not leave the salvage on the seams, the thick fabric is tough to quilt through
-Press every step of making your quilt otherwise you will have fullness that can’t be quilted out.
-“victory lap” around your quilt: baste/ stay stitch around your quilt once finished

– no bating tape (if you are piecing bating)
-make sure the backing is larger than the top 8” longer and wider min.
-these ladies prefer “flat tops and wide backs” (future slogan shirts currently in the works)
Sew and Tell
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