This month for block lotto we’re going a little more free-form. I want you to take all the brightly colored fabrics from your string stash that are 8.5″ or longer and sew them together into squares.
You see a lot of string blocks sewn on the diagonal, but let’s do these on the square, and not wonky but nicely trimmed into straight strips. Combine skinny strips and chubby strips, lots or just a few, however many it takes to reach an 8.5″ width.
As far as colors, look at the fabric and ask if it’s a RAINBOW BRIGHT. We could all use some color and some happy this time of year, right?

Remember, for every block you’re entered to win! More blocks = more chances, and this is a great opportunity to make a dent in those scrap bins.
See you at the March 14 meeting!
If you have questions, contact Trish.