I BLUE it!

Greetings and here we are headed into a new year filled with so much possibility and hopefully some great plans for new quilts in the year ahead! I had great visions of getting the block lotto up much earlier than this, but some unexpected work travel, two different bouts of one virus and then another and then it was Christmas! I really do apologize for not being more prompt with this post, but the new […]

Announcing the New Officers

Democracy is alive and well in our MadMod community. During our November 14th meeting we voted in our new officers. Please welcome the following individuals: President: Tara Curtis Vice President: Tiffany Grayson Treasurer: Valerie Mau Secretary: Elaine Morrison Web content: Bridget Vian Event Chair: Brianna Stapleton Welch Event Planner: Tracy Rucka Thank you everyone for volunteering to make our community fun and engaging.