Time for February’s Block Lotto!
This month’s palette is a frosty berry smoothie. Lilac, lavender, raspberry, blackberry, and orchid.
The block is called Patchwork Wheel and is available here.
When they are put together, an X’s and O’s pattern is formed giving a subtle Valentine’s quilt.
A few notes for this quilt block:
- Please use a light grey for the background/ corner fabrics. The circle effect is best achieved when this is a solid or very lightly patterned.
- The pattern calls for using eight (8) 4.25″ background squares with eight (8) 4.25″ color squares. The method used for making the half square triangles results in 16 units. Only eight are needed per block. You could either use a different method for getting single half square triangle units or you could cut out another eight 3.5″ purple squares and use the extra half square triangles to make an additional block!
How to play: Make up the block for the month following the pattern and color scheme. Make as many as you want as you will get an entry for every block you make! Bring all your finished blocks to the meeting on February 13th and we will draw a winner. If there are enough blocks to be divided, multiple winners will be drawn. The winner then gets all of those blocks to make a quilt (or similar project)! You can’t win again until a completed project is presented.
Have fun!